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What is needed
- the GNU gcc C++ compiler. It is important to use a version newer than
2.95, we tested it until 2.96
- (optional) the doxygen
package to compile the documentation
Sorry, we have not tested yet the Windows version of this program.
Compiling the library
Unpack the file ftrlib_xx.xx.tgz, using the following command:
tar xzvf ftrlib_xx.yy.tgz
You will obtain a directory ftrlib. Now, you must compile
the ftrsim library. Just change your current working directory to ftrlib
and type ./configure and then make. You
will obtain an executable ftrlib in the ftrlib directory.
You can execute with ./ftrlib name n1 n2, where name is
the name of the output file, n1 is the seed number for the news, n2 is the
seed number for the other random variables. In the next future, we will
also provide an installation procedure.
Compiling the GUI
Unpack the file ftrgui_xx.xx.tgz, using the following command:
tar xzvf ftrgui_xx.yy.tgz
You will obtain a directory ftrgui. Now, you must compile
the ftrsim library. Just change your current working directory to ftrlib
and type ./configure and then make. You
will obtain an executable ftrgui in the ftrgui directory.
You can now execute with ./ftrgui. By now we did not yet
provide an installation procedure. Hence, you have to run the ftrgui program
in the same directory where you compiled it, otherwise it is not able to
find the icons. In the next future, we will also provide an installation